Better Airports, LLC
All our Communities need Better
Enhanced Air Service
and More Competition!!

Domain Pricing

Presented by Better Airports, LLC

Airports Need an Internet Brand that sells their community!

We cannot depend on the Airlines "Brand" as Airlines come and go, yet your Brand stays and continues to bring more business and travel to your community!

Fly(your city name).com!!

Many domains are available to you with our Twitter account for FREE!

Fly(your city name).com

Domain Prices
- Price range from $475 to $975 for Airports with Commercial Air Service*
- Price range from $275 to $475 for General Aviation Airports without Commercial Air Service*

If the airport has less than 10,000 enplanements the domain price is $475.
If the airport has over 10,000 enplanements the price is $475 - $975 with a prorated price for the airports with enplanements between 10,000 and 100,000 up to $975.
Airports with over 100,000 enplanments are premium priced above $975.

Most Domains come with matching Twitter account name of Fly(your city/airport name) for free!

Since 2006 we have secured over 1,000 "Fly" domains for your purchase and use.

* Some Domains are premium priced for airports with over 100,000 enplanements.
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